Recommended Reading
Here are a few books I highly recommend for guidance on your spiritual journey. They range from beginner-friendly to advanced, making them accessible to all levels of seekers. If you have any questions about these recommendations or would like to suggest a book I haven’t included, feel free to let me know.
Stillness Speaks
by Eckhart Tolle
Practicing The Presence
by Joel S. Goldsmith
Lessons In Truth
by H. Emilie Cady
by Mohan Gaitonde
by Rupert Spira
Oneness: The Destination You Never Left
by John Greven
Awakening To The Dream
by Leo Hartong
Simply Notice
by Peter Francis Dziuban
Soft-Style Conscious Awakening
by Gary Crowley
The Basic Ideas of Science of Mind
by Ernest Holmes
Sadhana: A Way To God
Christian Exercises In Eastern Form
by Anthony de Mello
The Miracle of Mindfulness
by Thich Nhat Hanh
The Practice of Not Thinking
by Ryunosuke Koike
There Is No You
by Andre Halaw
The Art of Meditation
by Joel S. Goldsmith
by Eknath Easwaran
Being Aware of Being Aware
by Rupert Spira
Identifying Nonduality
by John Sefton
Living Realization
by Scott Kiloby
A New Earth
by Eckhart Tolle
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