We’ve been led to believe, by those who don’t truly understand, that we are less than we are. People who repeat what they’ve been told—without questioning it—have convinced us that we are flawed, limited, imperfect, and broken.

You have the power to decide what to believe, but I urge you to question those beliefs and examine the truth for yourself. Don’t let someone else’s limited view of themselves define how you see yourself. Look within and discover the reality of who you truly are.

Who are you?

You are not your body. Your body is limited, ever-changing, and destined to return to the earth from which it came. If you believe you are your body, you’ll feel limited, temporary, and mortal.

You are not your mind. Your mind, too, is limited and ever-changing. Like the thoughts it produces, it will eventually fade into nothing. If you believe you are your mind, you’ll feel impermanent and insubstantial.

If you are neither your body nor your mind, then who are you?

Look deeper. Notice the Presence within you—the unchanging essence that has always been there. This Presence is timeless and ageless. It’s the silent witness that perceives through your eyes and speaks loudly in your stillness. That Presence is YOU.

This Presence is your true essence—your Spirit. But it’s not just “yours”; it is pure Spirit, the Spirit of God. How could you ever have been convinced to think you’re less than perfect when your very being is divine?

When you truly recognize who you are—when you see, feel, and know your true self—no one will ever be able to take that understanding away from you. In truth, they couldn’t take it before, but now that you’re aware of it, you’ll never let it go. It has always been there, always perfect, and always YOU. It cannot leave or be extinguished.

Take time to turn inward and dwell in this awareness. Observe what happens as this sense of Presence grows and becomes more permanent in your life. You’ll soon realize that you are far more than you ever believed—and far more than anyone ever told you you were.