Do you feel like we’re swimming in a sea of massive ego energy right now?

It’s true. Election years always bring out the ego in full force, and right now, the U.S. is right in the middle of one. It’s like a free pass to think, “I’m right, and everyone else is wrong.” And why stop there? “I’m on the path of political truth, while everyone else is clueless, selfish, or downright evil. Why can’t they just wake up and vote the right way?” Election years are basically an all-you-can-eat buffet for the ego.

2020 has become the poster child for disaster. With the COVID-19 pandemic and lockdowns kicking things off, we’ve also had fires, hurricanes, riots, racial tension, deaths, asteroids, plagues, and a fair share of bad music performances. It’s so easy to feel like we’re personally under attack, as if everything happening is a threat to our well-being. And it shows—we’re seeing a global wave of anger, insecurity, anxiety, and depression.

This is the time to pause and remember: nothing can disturb the peace that’s at the core of who we really are. We’re not just this temporary existence under constant attack from the outside world. Our minds will try to convince us otherwise, but if we stop buying into the chaos and just look at our real experience, we’ll see that our true self is still here, unaffected. Even the worst disasters can’t shake our essence. That spiritual light inside of us is still shining just as brightly as ever.

When the world feels like it’s getting louder and more destructive, that’s the perfect moment to go within and reconnect with real peace. You won’t find peace in the world or in your mind, but it’s always there, waiting for you.

So look past all the temporary noise and find comfort in your permanent, unshaken being.